I tried to email you direct but the mail bounced back. BTW: someone
else, who I can't remember the name off hand, built a optic system already.
If I remember right I was replying to him(?) Any case, I received pictures
from that guy which educated me further :-)
It was first explained to me this way... Your every day general mouse
uses an Optic sensor and an LED and a splined wheel between them. When you
move the mouse, the splined wheel moves allowing the light from the LED to
pass through to the sensor, which in turn tell the cursor to move. I knew
the splined wheel was there but I just assumed there where small magnets in
it and the sensors next to the wheel picked up the movement. If I had known
about the "light" sensor I would have built an optic system a LONG time ago.
Then I was told about the... I can't think of the name.. Light
something Resistor, or something like that. Basically this sensor measures
light. The more intense it is the more resistance this diode holds.
Do a search on Diode's and maybe the sensors will be listed there too.
I visited several sites and most of them described the function and uses for
this sensor.
Michael A. Barlow
FILSCA (www.filsca.com)