>>>Wow, my Momo wheel (the red one) started to do that about a week ago...
>>>I already decided to upgrade to the G25, but if there are any hints at
>>>fixing that rattle, I could kick out the cheap Thrustmaster wheel I
>>>as a "stand in" until the G25 is available.
>> Please report back on the quality and feel of the G25. What turns me off
>> a bit is the lack of buttons on the wheel, I actually like the
>> playstation like layout on the dfp which is great for chat, pitstops,
>> brake balance and the like. I'm a bit anxious about opening up the dfp
>> (did it all the time with my old TSW), as I don't know if something can
>> be done about the noise (and for now, the wheel still works).
> Well, I worried about the lack of wheel buttons, too. OTOH, in a turn
> the wheel buttons are not easy to push, so getting one hand on the
> shift console should be okay. And with speed limiter and pit stop request
> on the wheel, I think I could get used to that. I will report, if I get
> the wheel.
> If I feel adventurous (sp?), I'll open my red Momo just to take a look.
> But I guess, some special plastic part is broken. Replacements, prob. not.
> l8er
> ronny
The MOMO wheels are not hard to disassemble, normal tools will do it, and in
the case of my red MOMO, there was a known issue of one of the motor
retaining screws backing off, leaving the wheel a bit growly and loose in
the center....I took mine apart, and sure enough, one of the motor screws
was loose. May not be your exact problem, but it sure helped mine.
Good Luck,