On Mon, 22 Jul 1996 15:23:12 -0500, "Thomas E. Retkowski"
>Tony Johns let me know he current has an effort in the works to make the
>new newsgroup a reality. This has a jump on this we should do all we
>can to support him.
>It has come to my attention that some "less informed" people think I am
>trying to steal glory for getting this area created. Let me state this
>publicly since I already told Tony this, I am not interested in glory,
>braging rights, etc...all I am concerned with is getting the newsgroup
>Let this be a formal notice, I put my full support behing Tony Johns, Ed
>Martin and anyone else trying to make this a reality, and if my
>submission proposal helped great! If this does become a reality Tony
>deserves the credit since he started the ball rolling before me. The
>only reason I started and submitted a proposal was it did not appear
>anyone had done so previously. If I missed that posting I apologize.
what and who gets credit; it seems to overshadow the real reason. If
it all comes down to who suggested it first, then I think people are
missing the point and should think twice about entering into a
meaningful discussion. :( But you needed to clarify your position and
that's understandable based on some of the heat around here.
I hope that Tony or the other advocates only respond to the "more
informed" (to turn your words around), and don't get dragged down into
the mud of bragging rights. That defeats the purpose. Please,
people, if the thread is going to go on, let it be worthwhile.
People seem so quick to flame or take comments out of context...it
seems more posts are apologies (like yours), and that's a shame,
because it prevents you from wanting to join in on future debates one
way or the other. But thank you for stepping up to the plate and
clairfying your position, whatever it is and will be. That's more
than most do around these parts.