spacebar - pause (with joystick)
a - accelerate
z - brake
< - steer left
f1 - auto brakes
f2 - auto gears
f3 - self-correcting spin
f4 - indestructible
f5 - ideal line
f6 - suggested gear
f7 - throttle help
enter - notify pits of entering
q - return to pits (during practice and qual only)
esc - exit
p - pause
+/- - cycle through sound options
alt/d - cycle track detail
n - display driver name
o - display processor occupancy
r - replay (after pause)
right cursor -***pit view
left cursor - trackside camera
pgup - cycle on-car camera
pgdn - chase view
delete - reverse chase view
up arrow -***pit of car ahead
down arrow -***pit of car behind
home - return to own car
insert - tv director mode
Brian Fox
What are you doing?!? The message is over, GO AWAY!