months ago I helped not only my 3 buds in town get the wheel to work with
thier machines (especially for NR03) but other stuff, but also for my
brother and btw my whole online team had MS wheels (7 of us) many were
converts from TM, or the Momo's (mainly because Momo's would lose
calibration on us, and most liked to race, not have to much with computers,
you know).
what I did was this. you have to have installed the sofware that goes with
the wheel. now in there are 'profiles,' you may or may not have told the
installer to install them when you asked for it, if not I could send you
mine that I use for all Papy (and also others like RBR, GTR, Rfactor etc)
games. Anyway if you allwed the install of the profiles, you need to
select the one for "gran Prix legends" this sets the buttons, sensitivity
and seperate to basic ready to play gpl mode. you can of course modify any
of these settings, via the Sidewinder app (if you click on the sidewinder
wheel listed in the properties in game controllers you will cause this app
to launch also). BTW in here you can test and stuff (4tabs IIRC, because I
dont have on here at work obvioulsy).
I find that this wheel with the profile loaded works on every game I have
tried EXCEPT ones that do not like seperate axes, like MTM, MTM2, Midtown
Madness, and other more arcadey crap... the real sims had no problem, knock
on wood.
Good luck
more help? IM or email me stingre (AT) yahoo (dot) com
bernard spilman enlightened us with:
>> Bernard,
>> I think you said you are using the gamport version of the MS wheel
>> right? that and I think you got XP, so right there is your problem,
>> in as such as the OS doesn't support gamports ironically ->
>> especially the MS wheel. Read all about that and troubles by
>> googoling this group for one, and the sidewinder site on MS (if it
>> even still exists).
>> I can only suppose that the readings that the wheel sends via the
>> gameport are all but lost on -XP as I for one find that the USB
>> version the MS wheel is the most awesome combination I have had...
>> Since I haven't had the luck of dumping out 1200 for an ecci, though
>> I did get to use on in one of those full motion simulators this past
>> year! I had a even dozen of the thrustmasters, before these... &
>> yea, I bought 2 because they aren't selling them anymore.
> Nah, it's a USB.
> WS