Domain name bliss


Domain name bliss

by GTX_SlotCa » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Remember a little while ago I asked for suggestions for a new domain name
because I had to get off the ridiculous RoadRunner home page server? Well,
one of the suggestions voted for was I originally try to get, but someone registered it minutes before amhosting tried to
get it for me. I was really bummed out and didn't feel like anguishing over
it any more. So, I settled on I had it for 2 days and SOLD it
for a thousand bucks. Yep, $1000 US. Of  course, it did cost me $35 to
register the name so I didn't clear a thousand on it. To top it off, I
actually got 2 offers. The first one I turned down because I just didn't
like the guy. The second one I accepted eventually. He was pleasant and
sincere. So, thanks Phil and you other guys who voted for and pushed that
domain suggestion.
I  figured I could put the money in my newly formed 'buy a Porsche 914'
fund, but my wife really, really wasn't impressed with that idea.

As Ever

Phil Le

Domain name bliss

by Phil Le » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

You owe me one!  Congratulations on playing the domain name game well.
Maybe you should go into business!





Domain name bliss

by m.seer » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

"> I  figured I could put the money in my newly formed 'buy a Porsche 914'

You mean to say you actually told her about the money? <G>


Don Hancock (

Domain name bliss

by Don Hancock ( » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

        He's obviously new at this "marriage" thing! lol  Give him a few
years and he'll get it figger'd out!


Scott B. Huste

Domain name bliss

by Scott B. Huste » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

ROFLMAO  That was my first thought too <VBG>   I've only been married three
years and I knew that one ;)


Scott B. Husted
ICQ# 4395450


Domain name bliss

by GTX_SlotCa » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

LOL     Don't be too *** me gents.  I can't keep it from her. She gets
to the mail box before I do, she works for the bank, and she'd sense it if I
tried to hide it under the mattress ;-(

The way I look at it, I didn't complain when she bought her last pair of $20
shoes, so why should she complain about me spending $2800 on an old car?

I think she's still mad at me from last winter. I wanted to go to a buddy's
house to do some racing. She wanted me to stay around the house while she
went to do some errands just in case her car wouldn't start. So I went to
the closet, grabbed a broom and threw it in her trunk. She said  "what's
that for!",  and I said if your car doesn't start, drive that home.


Tweaks & Reviews

Steve Garrot

Domain name bliss

by Steve Garrot » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Egad! Money like that goes in my "Swiss Ass Account" the wife knows
nothing about it and I spend it on things I want!



>"> I  figured I could put the money in my newly formed 'buy a Porsche 914'
>> fund, but my wife really, really wasn't impressed with that idea.

>You mean to say you actually told her about the money? <G>


>> Ahhh,
>> As Ever
>> Slot

(All spelling errors are intentional and are there to show new
and improved ways of spelling old words. Grammatical errors are
due to too many English classes/teachers)

Domain name bliss

by Eldre » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

>The way I look at it, I didn't complain when she bought her last pair of $20
>shoes, so why should she complain about me spending $2800 on an old car?

>I think she's still mad at me from last winter. I wanted to go to a buddy's
>house to do some racing. She wanted me to stay around the house while she
>went to do some errands just in case her car wouldn't start. So I went to
>the closet, grabbed a broom and threw it in her trunk. She said  "what's
>that for!",  and I said if your car doesn't start, drive that home.

>Slot DIDN'T...?!  I'm surprized she didn't whack you upside the head with
that broom - or find a more...creative use for it...<g>

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Own Grand Prix Legends?  Goto

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
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Domain name bliss

by GTX_SlotCa » Mon, 01 May 2000 04:00:00

Ummm... But I meant it in the nicest possible way ;)


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