I just got back onto the net after about 4 months away. I used to read
R. A. S. on a daily basis and added my 2 cents worth whenever it felt the
Now it seems that no one likes anything that is put out. " It's too
buggy", " it's not real enough". "They don't do that in real life, so why
can they do it on mine?"
Doesn't anybody realize that as close or not to the real thing these are
still JUST GAMES. You are spending about 50 bucks for entertainment. How
many music CD's have you spent 15 bucks on to listen to once or twice and
then stuck back on the shelf to never be heard again? How many movies
have you bought for 29.99 (remember when they used to be 79.95?) and
watched once or twice before going on the shelf to attract dust?What I'm
saying is to spend 50 bucks and have something that you'll be playing
thousands of times is a pretty good value. There
is not a computer product on the market that is bug free. It's a way of
To sit there and whine and whine and demand patches and this company
sucks, that company sucks is really getting old. Whatever happened to
people talking about their setups and writing nice posts in here.
Remember how Ed Martin used to help us out when we needed it? Where's our
help now? Can you possiblly
blame other companys for not posting here for fear of the jerks who just
want to chew them up and spit them out? I know that most of you reading
this even if you've bothered to get this far are thinking who the hell is
this jerk spewing off on us. I am nobody. Just like the so many of you
that *** and complain about the same old ***over and over.
I bought ICR2, GP2, N1, N2 and I love them all. I will download the
patches that
come out and love them even more. I will play with the utilities that the
hacks put out, paint my cars, race online and post messages here. I am a
very satisfied customer who loves racing. One thing to remember... Just
like in real life, bugs don't have a long life-span.
Mike Lewis