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I am fixing to start work on my Nascar 2 Page of my web site. I would
like you to stop by and fill out my guestbook and tell me what you have
seen on other pages you would like to be seen added to mine and to tell
me what is something you haven't found. I will try to incorporate
everyone's idea into building the most comprehensive Nascar 2 website.
Thanks for your help. Appreciation will be shown.
Wolfman's Domain www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Caslte/8064
Jodie Swafford
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I am fixing to start work on my Nascar 2 Page of my web site. I would like
you to stop by and fill out my guestbook and tell me what you have seen
on other pages you would like to be seen added to mine and to tell me what
is something you haven't found. I will try to incorporate everyone's idea
into building the most comprehensive Nascar 2 website. Thanks for your
help. Appreciation will be shown.
<P> <A HREF="http://www.racesimcentral.net/;>Wolfman's
Domain</A> www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Caslte/8064
<P>Jodie Swafford</HTML>