I think the problem the original poster was having was when creating a car.
When you click on 'New Driver' you're asked for the filename you want to call it
('xxxxxxx'.car) and then the chassis type (1, 2 or 3). Even with the patches the
chassis type in that window doesn't change to 'Ford', 'Chevy' or 'Pontiac'.
Thanks for the info though. It sure does add to the realism of the game when you
have a 'real' car to drive! :0)
> You might want to download one of the patches out there to change the "chassis
> 1, 2, 3" to the proper logos. Racing Design
> ( has a very well done one in the
> N3 Utilities section. The pits N3 patch will change the logos to the proper
> ones as well but download the Racing Design one...i gaurentee youll like it
> (now hows that for a free promo?) <g>
> Chris