If you are interested in joining a new Nascar fantasy league, please
e-mail CDidion459. I am looking for at least 39 owners to compete in a
full Nascar season, where every driver will race in at least 30 races.
You are in charge of how you want your car to be set up, and you put 1 of
39 top Nascar drivers behind the wheel. Each race you will win cash, and
your also compete in the points race for end of the year cash. This is
going to be a really cool league, and I need your help to get started.
Stats, standings, news letter, race information will all be sent to you
through your home mail. So if you would like more information on how to
join, please e-mail your full home mailing address and include AUTO RACING
in you message. Thanks, the target date to start is near the end of next