steering wheel with USB output) considered a "digital" input? In other
words, instead of sending analogue signals (from a pot) to a game
card, if a steering wheel uses USB, is the input a digital signal (I
assume that it is...) ? The reason for the question is that I have
heard a certain manufacturer claim that a digital game card/port would
speed up graphics, game play, etc. by converting the analogue signal to
digital on the gamecard, relieving the CPU of doing that task. Would USB
input do the same thing? I am not a technician, so I hope this makes
Also (second stupid question......, er.....questions)....there appears
to be a certain amount of pride taken by steering wheel manufacturers in
the quality of the pots they use, as that quality has a direct relation
to the accuracy and precision of the game input. Would it not be true
that a steering wheel using a digital optical encoder rather than a pot
be more accurate - not to mention that pots need to be replaced
periodically and encoders generally do not? If this is true, why not
manufacture steering wheels using digital optical encoders? Is this
already being done ? Could this be done as an "at home" modification
(digital encoders with USB support are availiable) and would any games
be able to support this type of input?
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