purchasing this ***product. So here's a list of the problems so far:
1. No multiplayer
2. It's definately arcade not a sim - no car set up, no***pit view,
3. Stuttering, even on lowest resolution (I have a Voodoo3 by the way),
and even with some - if not all - detail turned down. The
anti-stuttering switch in the advanced gfx setup doesn't seem to do
4. One engine sound that doesn't change much in pitch even when you
brake, although this monitonous noise is displaced by a squeal of the
tyres - very poor.
5. Multiple views - that you cycle through randomly, most of which you
heven't got a shit's chance of driving the car by, so by the time you've
cycled round back to the chase view you've already crashed.
6. Replay - no control over this. Even when you pause it by hitting
escape your only option is to start the replay again. ***y annoying.
7. In race pop up and display menus - if you've got your textures turned
down to avoid stuttering then these messages and information cannot be
read. So when you hit escape to end a game you don't know which one of
the white blobs to select to perfrom the action you want, and as for
guessing your lap time and position - no chance.
8. No car damage, but car crashes have potential (one of the only good
things I can think of to say) - although I've tried some head on crashes
and some of the cars pass straight through me.
9. Controllers - icons for keyboard, wheel and pad exist yet you can
only set up the keyboard. You can use the other two for gear changes
only (I have a Gravis Xterminator)
10. EAX - eax my arse. Any S/B Live! users out there played with the
flanger sound 'cos that's what the 3D effects of other cars sound like.
Some of these problems may be improved if I explored the game a bit more
- but after such a poor start I don't know if I can be bothered to.
I case you're wondering why I bought it I thought the screen shots on
the box looked very good, as did the crashes - and I'm a great believer
in the proof of the pudding is in the eatin, remembering that demos
don't tell you everything about a game. I had some gift vouchers burning
a hole in my pocket anyway.
I just hope I can get a refund from HMV because this game has wound me
up something chronic.
I don't know of a patch that's ever improved a game above what I've
detailed here, so I'm not holding out for that.
Anyone from Empire is welcome to comment.
Jon Large