Two days ago they said "end of May". Four days ago it was "end of
March - 1st week or so of April". Pretty soon I'll be able to use
last year's bs. I'm not buying anything from a co. that strings it's
customers along for nearly a year. They can keep their silly games.
Bob Bruss
If you ignore all the 'COMING SOON' ***and judge the thing when you see 'OUT
NOW!' This is as stupid as the DOOM FAQ ***that detailed questions and
playing tips for a game that did not exist till after months after the FAQ was
created. Very stupid, and a complete waste of time. Wait till you can see the
product in your hand before you judge it. Likewise, game companies should shut
their traps till they can back their target dates by releasing the software on
time. If they can not release by the date, then for god's sake, dont make up a
number. I agree that Microprose is brain dead for setting target dates it
knows it can not and will not meet. I suppose if they release a demo, I can
forgive them for a while...
DISCLAIMER: My comments are my own and not necessarily those of my employer
OR my service provider.
Ashraf Ghebranious
"If it takes only one person to suppress your religion, then it cant be
much of a religion then can it?" - me
To find out more about the cult that is Scientology, subscribe to
ALT.RELIGION.SCIENTOLOGY. Dont get me wrong, these people are dangerous!
"Jesus woman! I dont give a ***!" Rhett Butler, slightly paraphrased
Anyway, I do check now and again and ask for the release date,
closest estimates are now easter - end of april.
I have a feeling that the delay might be for changes to colour schemes
of cars and sponsor boards, and maybe the release will
have the new seasons names loaded, and the correct tracks.
I just can't take the suspence any more.
Ive even got a screenshot of the game as Win 95 wallpaper
(hill in monaco) , but thats the closest Im going to get yet.