N laptime speed date W Dv Dm owner/setup -------------------- Australia (2.795 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Cleveland (2.369 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Detroit (2.100 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Elkhart (4.000 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Indianapolis (2.500 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Laguna Seca (2.214 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Long Beach (1.590 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Michigan (2.000 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Mid-Ohio (2.250 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Milwaukee (1.000 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Nazareth (1.000 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- New Hampshire (1.058 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Phoenix (1.000 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Portland (1.950 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Toronto (1.780 miles) ---------------------------- -------------------- Vancouver (1.677 miles) ---------------------------- =-========---===========---========---=--=--=---=========================== Coloumns: Mail addresses: ########################################################################### This message is generated automaticaly after 10 new The program managing this list is far from perfect. (As we ###########################################################################
# 1:25.413 117.804 mph 95/03/28 n j - Randy Suchy / Weevowva
1:26.192 116.739 mph 95/01/25 s w y Darrel Cherry
# 1:27.195 115.397 mph 95/03/25 s j - Herbert Pohlai
1:28.023 114.311 mph 95/01/25 s j y Riku Reimaa
1:28.275 113.985 mph 95/01/30 s j y Imre Kolos / Darrel Cherry
0:55.732 153.025 mph 95/02/24 s w y Darrel Cherry
0:56.273 151.554 mph 95/03/03 s w y Richard Jones
0:56.341 151.371 mph 95/02/21 s j y Imre Kolos
0:56.518 150.897 mph 95/02/18 s j y Riku Reimaa
0:56.554 150.801 mph 95/02/27 s j y Ramon Avila / Hena Hakkanen
1:08.132 110.961 mph 95/03/24 s w y Darrel Cherry
# 1:08.315 110.664 mph 95/03/27 s j - Hannu Piispa
# 1:08.405 110.518 mph 95/03/26 s j y Riku Reimaa
1:08.416 110.500 mph 95/03/20 s j y Imre Kolos / Darrel Cherry
1:08.507 110.354 mph 95/03/21 s j y Hena Hakkanen
# 1:43.074 139.705 mph 95/04/02 s j y Riku Reimaa
1:43.233 139.490 mph 95/03/21 s j y Hena Hakkanen
# 1:43.820 138.702 mph 95/04/02 s j y Peter Burke
1:43.848 138.664 mph 94/10/24 - - - Mike Corrigan
1:44.423 137.901 mph 94/10/24 - j - Herbert Pohlai
0:39.926 225.418 mph 95/03/17 s j y Terje Wold Johansen
0:39.970 225.170 mph 95/03/06 s j y Pasi Ahopelto
0:40.005 224.973 mph 94/10/24 s w - Scott Goolik
0:40.042 224.765 mph 94/10/24 s j - Herbert Pohlai / Peter Burke
0:40.051 224.715 mph 94/10/24 s j y Peter Burke
1:03.586 125.348 mph 95/01/12 s w y Darrel Cherry
1:03.664 125.195 mph 95/01/15 s w y Richard Jones
1:03.960 124.615 mph 95/01/05 s j y Riku Reimaa
1:04.479 123.612 mph 95/01/08 s j y Herbert Pohlai
1:04.638 123.308 mph 95/01/04 s j y Imre Kolos / Darrel Cherry
0:52.801 108.407 mph 94/11/19 s j n Herbert Pohlai
0:52.963 108.075 mph 94/12/20 s j n Michael Rasmussen
0:53.036 107.927 mph 94/11/11 s j y Imre Kolos
0:53.305 107.382 mph 94/11/05 s w y Darrel Cherry
0:53.751 106.491 mph 95/01/24 s j y Peter Burke
0:29.593 243.297 mph 95/01/16 n j y Imre Kolos
0:29.624 243.050 mph 94/10/24 - j - Herbert Pohlai
0:29.720 242.264 mph 95/01/14 s j y Peter Burke
0:29.833 241.347 mph 95/01/22 s j y Riku Reimaa
0:29.861 241.121 mph 94/12/02 s j y Ramon Avila
1:06.717 121.408 mph 95/02/15 s j y Imre Kolos
# 1:06.827 121.208 mph 95/03/25 s j y Herbert Pohlai
1:07.306 120.346 mph 95/02/14 s w y Darrel Cherry
1:07.656 119.723 mph 95/03/03 s w y Richard Jones
1:07.665 119.707 mph 95/02/15 s j y Hena Hakkanen
# 0:19.971 180.264 mph 95/03/25 s j y Herbert Pohlai
0:19.975 180.228 mph 95/01/04 s w y Scott Goolik
0:20.000 180.003 mph 94/12/29 s j y Imre Kolos
0:20.016 179.859 mph 95/01/15 s w y Richard Jones
0:20.064 179.428 mph 94/12/27 s j y Hena Hakkanen
0:19.768 182.116 mph 94/12/05 s j y Herbert Pohlai
0:19.824 181.602 mph 94/12/12 s j y Peter Burke
0:19.837 181.483 mph 94/12/07 s j y Imre Kolos
0:19.942 180.527 mph 94/12/05 s w y Darrel Cherry
0:19.944 180.509 mph 94/12/05 s j y Ramon Avila
0:20.449 186.254 mph 95/01/04 s w y Scott Goolik
0:20.460 186.154 mph 94/11/22 s j y Herbert Pohlai
0:20.526 185.556 mph 94/11/22 s j y Peter Burke
0:20.527 185.547 mph 94/11/22 s - y Brian Baggett
0:20.543 185.402 mph 94/11/21 s j y Imre Kolos
0:19.856 181.302 mph 95/03/16 s j y Imre Kolos
# 0:19.856 181.302 mph 95/03/25 s j y Herbert Pohlai
0:19.953 180.421 mph 95/03/12 s j y Hena Hakkanen
0:19.978 180.195 mph 95/03/13 s w y Darrel Cherry / Imre Kolos
0:19.989 180.096 mph 95/03/11 s j y Riku Reimaa
0:58.503 119.994 mph 94/11/04 s w y Darrel Cherry
0:58.813 119.361 mph 94/11/28 s j y Herbert Pohlai
0:58.926 119.132 mph 94/11/24 s j y Imre Kolos
0:59.259 118.463 mph 94/11/22 s j y Hena Hakkanen
0:59.752 117.486 mph 94/11/28 s j y Peter Burke
0:56.959 112.502 mph 94/12/26 s w y Darrel Cherry
# 0:57.000 112.421 mph 95/03/27 s j - Hannu Piispa
0:57.158 112.110 mph 94/12/20 s j y Imre Kolos
0:57.425 111.589 mph 94/12/19 s j y Herbert Pohlai
0:57.456 111.529 mph 94/12/23 s j y Hena Hakkanen
0:54.090 111.614 mph 95/03/09 n w - Darrel Cherry
0:54.509 110.756 mph 95/03/05 s j y Riku Reimaa
0:54.739 110.291 mph 95/03/17 s j - Ramon Avila
0:54.810 110.148 mph 95/03/06 s j y Imre Kolos
0:54.966 109.835 mph 95/03/02 s w y Richard Jones
N - # denotes new entry
W - Weather: s = standard (70-80F,no wind), n = not standard, - = no data
Dv - Device: w = wheel, j = joystick, k = keyboard, - = no data
Dm - Damage on: y/n, - = no data
Hena Hakkanen he...@vipunen.hut.fi
Peter Burke pbu...@doit.wisc.edu
Aaron Edwards aedwa...@safmon1.hq.af.mil
Pasi Ahopelto ahope...@cc.helsinki.fi
Herbert Pohlai herb...@mips.complang.tuwien.ac.at
Darrel Cherry cher3...@sundance.sjsu.edu
Imre Kolos eth...@duna.ericsson.se
Brian Baggett bbagg...@seattleu.edu
Ramon Avila ramon_h._avila.es...@xerox.com
Warren Abao wa...@jax.jaxnet.com
Scott Goolik sgoo...@mango.ucs.indiana.edu
Michael Rasmussen eth...@duna.ericsson.se
Riku Reimaa rei...@cc.helsinki.fi
Richard Jones r...@scammell.ecos.tne.oz.au
Vesa Slotte v...@paju.oulu.fi
Terje Wold Johansen ter...@ifi.uio.no
Hannu Piispa hannu.pii...@lut.fi
Randy Suchy weevo...@aol.com
record entries. Send mail to ic...@duna.ericsson.se with a
'send help' line in the body of the mail to get info on how
to submit new records to the list.
know there is no such thing.:) If you manage to mess up the
list contact eth...@duna.ericsson.se by email.