Several smaller trailers scattered about had driving sims, most were using
Daytona USA but I did see one running NASCAR Racing 99.
Ken's Sig 3.0
"Who is the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?" - Obi-Wan
Go #43 and #44!
volksy (at) geocities (dot) com
volksy (at) yahoo (dot) com
Wow, NASCAR Crapolution is now the sim for the Wall of Speed? I know last
year it was Papy's N2. I guess they chose to downgrade.
Gary243 - The most electrifying driver in racing entertainment
Gary Silverman - Driver/Owner Jersey Motorsports
NROS - #91 Prudential Winhold Realty/ Oldsmobile Aurora
SCCA Solo II - #30 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme
Well, maybe it's a better fit than you think <ducking flying
ashtrays>: You gotta agree NasRev's graphics are pretty cool. The AI
may suck, but you don't need AI when you got 8 humans going at it...
Can't imagine there are any yellow flags in the Wall of Speed, so that
fiasco's not a concern. Doubt there's time to pit, so THAT's not a
I'm gonna stick my neck out and guess that most of the people
that would race this really don't CARE for that short period how TRULY
the race is being simulated - just how FUN is it? Except for idiotic
AI and moron spotters (well, okay, the framerate...) and yellow flags,
it'd probably be a sound choice <ducking a bigger ashtray>.
Disclaimers: I'm a diehard Nas99 fan, and have never seen a Wall of
Speed. All opinions expressed are expressed as OPINIONS and should
not be construed as a reiteration of facts.