GP500 Riding Tips

Phil Le

GP500 Riding Tips

by Phil Le » Mon, 08 May 2000 04:00:00

Having bought GP500 last week I am now able to play it properly having got
my Gravis XTerminator back from a friend (great controller for this type of
game BTW).

Anyhoo, can any of you suggest how I can improve my braking technique.  I've
just been riding around Barcelona (in preparation for the GP today) and
found it difficult to brake from 6th to 1st for the first corner.  Should I
just chuck all the anchors out, let the bike ride onto just the front wheel
and hope for the best or is there a better way?  I tried a sort of
trailbraking but it didn't seem to have much effect and resulted in a few
visits to the kitty litter.

Also, having never riden a motorbike in my life, I was curious about how the
handling was modelled in GP500.  My impressions are that it seems pretty
good and makes a nice break from GPL.  It's not half as difficult as SBK2000
anyway,  which I ended up taking back to EB as being too difficult with any
of the controllers at my disposal.





GP500 Riding Tips

by Hans-Ott » Mon, 08 May 2000 04:00:00


Good choice of bike game. I have both games and when you start to get a hang
on GP500 it's excellent. When it comes to braking you can use F5 (I think)
to get a hint (red sign) on the screen to show when to brake, and if you
pull the brake hard exactly when it pops up and let it stay there you should
manage the corner just about, but with some bikes like the Honda V4's it can
be to late sometimes :-) especially if the tires are worn. I've done a
1.42.7xx at Jerez with the Suzuki with normal downshifting, but the best
laps I think lies around, but they use some special technique for
downshifting from 6th to 1st in one hundred of a second and I don't now how
to do this with my wheel.
Anyway good luck with the game. Another thing - it's superb in multiplayer
LAN too!


Jim Brindl

GP500 Riding Tips

by Jim Brindl » Mon, 08 May 2000 04:00:00

glad to see you've got a good game there, pop along to for skins\setups and much more.

Jim Brindl

GP500 Riding Tips

by Jim Brindl » Tue, 09 May 2000 04:00:00

oops typed it wrong again

> glad to see you've got a good game there, pop along to
> for skins\setups and much more.
> Jim

> > Having bought GP500 last week I am now able to play it properly having
> > my Gravis XTerminator back from a friend (great controller for this type
> of
> > game BTW).

> > Anyhoo, can any of you suggest how I can improve my braking technique.
> I've
> > just been riding around Barcelona (in preparation for the GP today) and
> > found it difficult to brake from 6th to 1st for the first corner.
> I
> > just chuck all the anchors out, let the bike ride onto just the front
> wheel
> > and hope for the best or is there a better way?  I tried a sort of
> > trailbraking but it didn't seem to have much effect and resulted in a
> > visits to the kitty litter.

> > Also, having never riden a motorbike in my life, I was curious about how
> the
> > handling was modelled in GP500.  My impressions are that it seems pretty
> > good and makes a nice break from GPL.  It's not half as difficult as
> SBK2000
> > anyway,  which I ended up taking back to EB as being too difficult with
> any
> > of the controllers at my disposal.

> > Cheers

> > Phil

> > --
> >

Phil Le

GP500 Riding Tips

by Phil Le » Wed, 10 May 2000 04:00:00

I went there last week and downloaded the 2000 GP bikeset which I believe
you had a hand in.  Great update, thanks for the hard work.

Do you know of any sites that have suggestions for setting up the bike?
Something similar to GPL Foolishness would be useful.  I know very little
about bike suspension which is shocking (no pun intended) seeing as how I
have a degree in Mechanical Engineering!  I never was any good at dynamics.

Excellent sim BTW, far superior to SBK2000 IMHO.




Martyn Danb

GP500 Riding Tips

by Martyn Danb » Wed, 10 May 2000 04:00:00

i believe has gp500 setups

> > glad to see you've got a good game there, pop along to
> > for skins\setups and much more.

> I went there last week and downloaded the 2000 GP bikeset which I believe
> you had a hand in.  Great update, thanks for the hard work.

> Do you know of any sites that have suggestions for setting up the bike?
> Something similar to GPL Foolishness would be useful.  I know very little
> about bike suspension which is shocking (no pun intended) seeing as how I
> have a degree in Mechanical Engineering!  I never was any good at dynamics.

> Excellent sim BTW, far superior to SBK2000 IMHO.

> Cheers

> Phil

> --
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