Windows 2000?
"Imho" USB has basically taken over. Plus isn't the PDPI card only available
for ISA slots? All new mo'bos just have PCI.. Atleast mine does.. <g>
Cheers Thom_j.
| I hate to put a crimp in a business....but with the improvement in
| soundcard ports,
| is the PDPI even really necessary anymore???
| dave henrie
| > In another thread I read of this card. Does anyone know if it works in
| > Windows 2000?
| >
| > Don
| >
| >
Back in the dark ages when I had an SB16, the PDPI was a good deal,
but with my SB Live, I'm *much* better off just using the soundcard
and none of those ungodly setup hassles where you have to practically
take your computer apart just to install the card.
Another vote here for just using the soundcard.
> > with the improvement in
> >soundcard ports,
> >is the PDPI even really necessary anymore???
> Back in the dark ages when I had an SB16, the PDPI was a good deal,
> but with my SB Live, I'm *much* better off just using the soundcard
> and none of those ungodly setup hassles where you have to practically
> take your computer apart just to install the card.
> Another vote here for just using the soundcard.
> =^..^=
>> with the improvement in
>>soundcard ports,
>>is the PDPI even really necessary anymore???
>Back in the dark ages when I had an SB16, the PDPI was a good deal,
>but with my SB Live, I'm *much* better off just using the soundcard
>and none of those ungodly setup hassles where you have to practically
>take your computer apart just to install the card.
>Another vote here for just using the soundcard.
> -Tony-
> >> with the improvement in
> >>soundcard ports,
> >>is the PDPI even really necessary anymore???
> >Back in the dark ages when I had an SB16, the PDPI was a good deal,
> >but with my SB Live, I'm *much* better off just using the soundcard
> >and none of those ungodly setup hassles where you have to practically
> >take your computer apart just to install the card.
> >Another vote here for just using the soundcard.
> >=^..^=
So yes, the PDPI is still a great deal, no matter what sound card you're
Joeri J. Cox
European Racing League GM -
502 Racing co-founder -
> > with the improvement in
> >soundcard ports,
> >is the PDPI even really necessary anymore???
> Back in the dark ages when I had an SB16, the PDPI was a good deal,
> but with my SB Live, I'm *much* better off just using the soundcard
> and none of those ungodly setup hassles where you have to practically
> take your computer apart just to install the card.
> Another vote here for just using the soundcard.
> =^..^=
>> -Tony-
>> >> with the improvement in
>> >>soundcard ports,
>> >>is the PDPI even really necessary anymore???
>> >Back in the dark ages when I had an SB16, the PDPI was a good deal,
>> >but with my SB Live, I'm *much* better off just using the soundcard
>> >and none of those ungodly setup hassles where you have to practically
>> >take your computer apart just to install the card.
>> >Another vote here for just using the soundcard.
>> >=^..^=