Lotta help with that one Greg!
First off does your Andretti show up in control panel/game controllers, it
should say something like HID game controller? There is a newer version of
the driver on http://www.andrettiwheel.com/index1.html. DL and install it.
Once you have the Andretti setup correctly then plug in your Nascar Pro
pedals into the Gameport and see if they show up in control panel/game
controllers. If they don't you might try to remove the andretti stuff and
make sure your Nascar Pro still works. Then re-add Andretti stuff.
Once they both show up in control panel/game controllers then it's just a
matter of setting up GPL in options/controls.
Good Luck
BTW where did you get it for $20? Retail?
> > Ok, my Nascar Pro Analog wheel is about to bite it, and I purchased an
> > Andretti wheel for a very nice $20 brand new.
> > Now, my question is probably obvious....
> > How in the world can I get my computer to recognize the Andretti wheel
> > the USB port, and the Nascar Pro pedals in the serial port?
> I don't have the andretti wheel (you should probably return it) but
> I do have the logitech USB FF wheel. W98 sensed the wheel
> automagically.
> --
> > I've tried it, and it just won't work by itself, and I can't go long
> without
> > playing GPL :)
> > ANY help is appreciated...
> > Do I need to do somethign in my computer's system files...do I need to
> > this and that...etc...
> > Please oh please... :)
> > Ryan Murray