Switching ISP


Switching ISP

by MrAdamHn » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I have decided to get rid of AOL so I can start racing online. I figured that
should be simple, I have switched ISP's in the past, no problem.

I now have an Earthlink account but I can't access it. The modem dials, it
shows that I connect but my browser shows a server or DNS error. I have tried
MIE 5.0 and Netscape, I even tried to Norton update and it says I'm not
connected to the internet. I had the same problem when I tried to get ISP
accounts with other providers, modem dialed, showed I was connected but I
actually wasn't.

I have contacted Earthlink and they said to try a different phone number, big
help. Is AOL screwing something up that I can't figure out? I don't want to
delete it till I have another ISP I can use. Everything seems to be set up
correctly in my internet options (DNS settings etc). I am beginning to believe
I am cursed and will have to use AOL forever!!!!

Don Hancock (

Switching ISP

by Don Hancock ( » Wed, 08 Dec 1999 04:00:00


    Hmm.  First I would check the properties of the TCP/IP protocol that's
bound to your dialup adapter: look in control panel | Network and check the
properties of it.  Then, open your browser and checkout your "Connection"
method - make sure it's not set to use some weird dialup account.  I usually
set mine to "LAN" since I always login first, anyway.



Switching ISP

by Eldre » Thu, 09 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Look in the Network part of the Control Panel.  I bet there's an AOL adapter
Delete it.  Even if you still can't get Earthlink to work, AOL will re-creat it
when you go back.

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