Following instructions found on different sites, i've used my old
Thrustmaster pedals with a Saitek force feedback wheel.
I 've done an accurate drawing of the wire / pots scheme and
with a bit of cutting and soldering... voila'!
The problem is now on the software side ( i hope)
The fact is that in the calibration sections of games, i still can see
only 64 " steps" of range, in the gas/brake section, while the same pedals,
with the old wheel,
i had ( if i remember right) a number surely bigger than 100, if not 1000
in gpl.
Specifically in in gpl, the range hits the maximum ( 64) and i still have
almost half of
the pedal range to use!!
Now, since i've done all this mess only to have more accurate gas/brake
range, how can i
fix the problem??
I've looked in the registry, but i did not found an exact string to modify.
Could someone help me please??
I presume that all of you had the same problem when rewiring the peddals ( i
Thanx in advance.