Hmmm, after playing GP2 for the last week there's a point I would like
to raise. This mainly concerns the gravity effects of the car
including the 'pendulum effect'. I watched oulthard pull out of the
pits at Hock and noticed how he nailed the car from the pit out to the
exit lane fully in control. In gp2 if you spin the rear wheels from a
standing start or low speeds it'sa ok as long as you are heading
straight, try turing the wheel a nats*** and your heading for a day
out with your bucket and spade or just facing backwards. Experimenting
with this i found if you apply any acceleration in a oversteer
position you can forget it as it seems the cars weight is*** off
the rear spoiler. Dont get me wrong i can drive it ;) i have done a
1:22.949 at Monza so i getting there, it,s just that i feel i could
drive harder knowing I could hang the car out a tad if i needed to.
One thing i did notice from the***pit is that i had no front wheels,
hmm maybe thats why ;)
p.s anyone willing to help me on this matter please reply to this
thread. Ta very much.