> >I have a radeon 8500 64meg ddr Built by ATI and have replaced every
> >component possible, only to still have the problem. I have been following
> >Rage 3d forums and ATI tech support. I would like to hear from those that
> >had the problem and those also that are unable to correct it.
> Did you replaced the motherboard, how about the powersupply? You won't
> like to hear this, but, I had the infinite loop with a Geforce2 and
> fixed it by putting in an *R8500* instead. It's rare for the R8500 to
> get the infinite loop error. GF2 pulled more power than the R8500 and
> that's why I think it was fixed by switching cards but a better PS may
> have fixed it too. But now I'm running a 400w PS, Intel mb instead of
> AMD and have a GF4 and have no infinite loop problem.
> >I have replaced the mobo from an abit BE6 to an Asus P4b and the power
> >supply to an Antec true power 430w still have the loop. This is the
> >8500. Very frustrating. I have built several computers and this problem
> >been 6 months of cost and frustration
> Better sell the 8500 and get a GF4 Ti4200 then.
> > >I have replaced the mobo from an abit BE6 to an Asus P4b and the power
> > >supply to an Antec true power 430w still have the loop. This is the
> second
> > >8500. Very frustrating. I have built several computers and this problem
> has
> > >been 6 months of cost and frustration
> > Better sell the 8500 and get a GF4 Ti4200 then.