> > I'm trying to understand the resulting torques that act back on the
> > axle. For a free rolling wheel travelling purely in the longitudinal
> > direction and with a slip ratio > 0, it will output a force of say
> > 100N. As well as pushing the vehicle forward it also creates a torque
> > on the axle which is then used to calculate the angular acceleration.
> > The forward velocity also creates a rolling resistance moment as a
> > function of vertical load and forward rolling speed. There is also a
> > moment produced by the internal bearing friction trying to slow it
> > down.
> > I understand this, however if the vehicle were to rotate
> > instantaneously such that the the longitudinal velocity = 0, the
> > longitudinal slip ratio = 0, the angular velocity > 0, and the lateral
> > velocity was 10mts/s and hence the lateral slip ratio > 0, the tyre is
> > not outputting any force in the longitudinal direction thus meaning
> > the only forces acting against the angular velocity of the wheel are
> > the internal bearing friction and rolling resistance moment. However
> > the rolling resistance moment is a function of forward rolling speed
> > which if equal to 0 there is no moment produced. Thus in the
> > simulation if travelling purely in a lateral direction in the tyre's
> > frame of reference, the only force acting against the angular velocity
> > of the wheel is internal bearing friction, however this is wrong as it
> > is not the only force acting on it. The wheel would only slow down as
> > a result of the bearing friction which is not correct There must be
> > another additional force derived from lateral slip that adds to the
> > rolling resistance moment.
> > In real life if a vehicle were to instantaneously rotate and travel in
> > a purely lateral direction, the wheels would stop rolling from the
> > lateral slip. I'm trying to work out what that force is. I hope this
> > post is clear. Any help is much appreciated!
> Tire friction with the road surface? Higher vehicle weight = more road
> friction and bearing friction. Drivetrain friction? Even air resistance to
> a
> minimal degree. A good example of decreasing rolling resistance is when
> Nascar crews pry the brake pads 1/2" away from the rotors before
> qualification at Daytona and Talledega and the driver is always reminded
> not
> to touch the brake pedal. Higher tech F1 braking systems keep the pads a
> good distance from the rotors when not braking and even take into
> consideration slight warping of the rotors over the course of a race.
> Taking
> into consideration your slip ratios, your main consideration is forward
> rolling resistance and there are many factors to consider. Even the
> viscosity of lubrication fluids is a factor.
> Ed
Right. The bearing friction I'm modelling as a function of radial load
and coefficients for viscosity/friction etc.
I would have thought that the rolling resistance would be increased
dramatically if there was any degree of lateral slip or is it totally
independent of it? The equation for rolling resistance taken from
Pacejka's Tyre & Vehicle Dynamics is:
My = -Vertical Load * Unloaded Tyre Radius * (scalar value * arctan
(Forward Rolling Speed / Reference Velocity) + scalar value * Fx /
Adapted Vertical Load) * scalar value
which would suggest that it is independent of lateral slip
Thanks for you help Ed
I think they would be totally independent of each other. Both would affect
momentum, but in entirely different directions.....I guess that is the
correct word.....:-). I hope you get my drift..:(..