On Sun, 11 Apr 1999 20:39:27 +0100, "Paul Simcox"
Yes you can do it easily.
Take that monochromatic-ish BMP into a decent photoediting program and
select the main color with a magic wand-type tool or a 'select color
range' type deal. Do all of your painting in the selected area. If
you have to change it to 24 bit (RGB) color to do anything good, make
sure you save the palette from the indexed 256 color BMP first.
Black is the transparent color in this case. Anything black on your
image will appear as clear in the game. I made a red and black tiger
striped car that looks pretty weird! Remember that something close
to black in 24 bit color may well get paletized as black when you
knock it down to indexed (256 colors/8 bit) color again.
After your painting, apply the palette (or a palette saved from any
of the other car BMP files) to your image and save it back into the
directory for the car you took it from. When you return to the game
and use the option to change your paint scheme, the new paintjob will
be one of the ones available through normal means. Presumably, you
could use as many as you wish for each car.
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