I am not really slamming the individuals here ------ except a few
who have e-mailed me with those rediculous messages
I find it difficult to believe that people actually sit around and
get really *** acting just over a posting in the newsgroup.
I actually prefaced my original posting of this -- RE: 1976 ----
by stating it would probably ruffle a few feathers.
Boy ------ did it ever!!!! I understand this is a way for many of
the sim-racers to enjoy themselves, but you would have thought I shot
the POPE or something by the way some have reacted in the e-mails.
Jeez ------------- come on! I like to interject a bit of
controversy just to make us think. I think GPL is the best thing that
has EVER come down the pike in SIMS. I am almost ***ed to it,
however -------- I don't have the time to devote to it that obviously
others do, and I feel that I will NEVER achieve the level of
competitive ability that the AI dishes out, or may be on the various
web racing sites.
I didn't mean to start a war ----------- just give a bit of food for
We need that ----------- I feel we should never accept things as
they are if there is room ar an opportunity to improve it.
I have an old saying I used to use when I was in corporate and
police training ---------------
" There is NO SUCH THING as PERFECTION ------------ but ------- we
can always improve on the standard of excellence"
I truly believe that most reasonable people would agree with me on
that point.
Thanks -----