WOW what a nightmare this has been. Order last Thrusday paid for next day
air, did not get it till Monday. Took everything out slipped in the new
system, everything looking great boot it up nothing
try everything I can think of still want see my hard drive. Call Tech
support at A2Z computers, not help at all said "looks like your boards bad"
send that one back when we get it will send another one. So, I called a
manager, and told him I did not want to wait till that one was sent back
then they send me another one, I told him I would even pay for next day
shipping again he said ok he would go ahead and ship it.
And he did but he charged me another 100.0o bucks for it. Plug eveything up
again fire it up nothing want even go to the cmos screen.
Finally give up and take it to a computer shop , the guy is kind enough to
let me use a ASUS bx board to see whats going on. hook up everything again
nothing, take out the PII400 put in one he had BOOM,boots right up. Take all
his stuff out go home call A2Z back
tell them I am sending everything back for a refund. THEY tell me now it
will be 2 weeks before I get my money back. These are the worst people I
have ever delt with DO NOT ever use A2Z Computer to order parts. IF and when
I do can someone tell me a good place to order stuff from. What a big let
down I just was so e***d I wanted to see gpl so bad on the new system .
Also, order the SB live , even now back on the old p200mmx, gpl is a whole
new game with the SB. The sound is amazing, I just thought before the car
screamed. Has to be heard.
Sorry for the long post. Just a warning if your thinking about upgrading