Hi sorry to refer to you by name instead of subject but I had shut down my
Puter right after I read your post and it was deleted Doh!
Anyway I think your quite right, the AGP does make a 35% difference. when I
first got it I didnt think so but as an example Dell told me try this and
sure enough. I also have a Dell 200MMX thats not AGP like this 233PII. This
is the test- you know the music videos on the Win95 disc? The ones to show
off Mpeg well try and run the Eddie Bickel " GoodTimes" or the weaser
video on a non AGP then open it to full screen. Not very pretty eh? But now
on a AGP PII open to full screen hehe quite nice eh? On a side note anyone
using STB Velocity I highly recommend going to their site and downloading
their new STB Vision 98 user interface. Its easy to set up and you can
tweak your video quite a bit as far as refresh rates etc. I just saw a post
that stated that the flashing we are seeing is related to the refresh rate?
Anyway I am checking it out now which is actually the real reason I lost
your post ;-) also for those who are interested the Final patch for CPR is
out tonight this is supposed to include some other fixes besides what we
just saw in the public Beta Patch. I am Downloading it as I write this! Oh
boy!! aloha, Mike
PS oops here is a link to patch: