I think that French verb conjugation is as simple as, if not simpler than, that of English (no kidding!) - see


I think that French verb conjugation is as simple as, if not simpler than, that of English (no kidding!) - see

by conjuguer6pourc.. » Tue, 30 Aug 2005 17:55:15

Dear friends,

This is a message which some people may consider "a spam". But this
is not my original idea. My intention is to share with you that French
verb conjugation is as simple as that of English, suggesting to you an
idea for French mastering - "The 6%" ( If I
offense you or cause you any inconvenience by sending this message to
this bbs, please accept my deepest apologies, and please just simply
neglect it. But if you are learning or teaching French, I do suggest
you have a look - you won't be disappointed.

Have a nice day,


According to "The 6%":

-       There are no irregular French verbs; all French verbs are regular (no
-       For all the forms of a French verb, we only need to learn 6 among
-       For all the French verbs, we only need to learn 72 among them;
-       For the moods, the tenses, or the subject persons of French, there is
a logical relation between them, and this kind of relations tells us
that French corresponds vividly with the world through the French verb

With the helps of the above discoveries, we can see easily that French
verb conjugation is as simple as English.

You can visit the website of "The 6%",, to
learn about details. Once again, I beg your pardon if I cause you any

Jan Verschuere

I think that French verb conjugation is as simple as, if not simpler than, that of English (no kidding!) - see

by Jan Verschuere » Wed, 31 Aug 2005 07:52:44

> Dear friends,

> This is a message which some people may consider "a spam". But
> this is not my original idea. My intention is to share with you that
> French verb conjugation is as simple as that of English, <snip>

True, the reference book for French conjugation (all verbs), La Becherelle,
is just 1/4 of an inch thick (and it's not printed on rice paper either).
Also true: basic French speaking uses very little verbs.

But the basic fact remains it's a lot harder for anglo-saxons to learn to
speak other languages than for many other language groups. A heady mix of
grammar, phonetical and cultural factors conspire agains you lot. <g>



I think that French verb conjugation is as simple as, if not simpler than, that of English (no kidding!) - see

by ymenar » Wed, 31 Aug 2005 08:43:17

> True, the reference book for French conjugation (all verbs), La
> Becherelle,

tsk tsk "Le Bescherelle"  ;-)

That's something you guys have difficulties with, which word is feminised
and which is masculinised.  There is no true law to it, it's a combination
of which is better sounding, some latin etymology and some form of weird
logic (some objects feel more feminine than others).

The big problem with English, and it's the nature of its own language, is
the abondance of idioms.  That's something you simply cannot learn by

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
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Scott B. Huste

I think that French verb conjugation is as simple as, if not simpler than, that of English (no kidding!) - see

by Scott B. Huste » Wed, 31 Aug 2005 09:09:00

> That's something you guys have difficulties with, which word is feminised
> and which is masculinised.  

It's French... there is nothing masculine about it.

Scott B. Husted

Bruce Kennewel

I think that French verb conjugation is as simple as, if not simpler than, that of English (no kidding!) - see

by Bruce Kennewel » Wed, 31 Aug 2005 11:24:35

Ain't that the truth?!!!! LOL!!


Jan Verschuere

I think that French verb conjugation is as simple as, if not simpler than, that of English (no kidding!) - see

by Jan Verschuere » Thu, 01 Sep 2005 02:57:12

Vous acez raison... autant pour moi.

Jan. ;-)
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