>Is it just me or are most of the other sims on there second version (e.g.
>nascar2 -note the 2). I was not around this newsgroup when they all first
>came out, but I think I can see the same bashing would probably have gone on
>because this is the first version of the game. If every piece of software
>was coded to perfection than there would be no need for patches.
I don't think either ICR1 or N1 were ever bashed nearly as hard as CPR has
been. I can't speak to ICR1, but my experience with N1 was that it was an
excellent first effort at a NASCAR simulator. Sure, it had quirks and
omissions, but they didn't detract from the playability. There's a reason
ICR1 and N1 were best sellers! (And ICR2/N2 have greatly benefitted from
Here's how I see it:
Released ICR1 and N1, which were very successful. Released ICR2 and N2 to:
Add more realism
Improve the graphics engine
Released CPR, which has so far gotten mixed reviews, including a lot of
negatives. Will probably release CPR2 some day, which hopefully will address
some of the glaring omissions (which ARE included in ICR1 and 2) like:
full-course yellows, tire temps, consistent graphics. These are three of the
biggest complaints on this NG.
So Papyrus took good games and made them better. The changes that CPR appears
to need will require complete reconfiguration.