I have a idea to make the incidents more fair.
I was just in a race the other day at dega. We all made it through turn one somehow.
Then during the backstraight, some guy weaves into me, causing me to spin.
I then preceeding to get hit by the whole field.
Now, it seems to me this should be counted as ONE incident.
But I got 12 counted against me. And it wasn't even my fault.
Losing 12 points seems pretty harsh. I don't mind losing skill points for
incidents even when its not your fault, thats racing..but to lose 12!
(luckily i was only level 3...imagine this happening to a high level driver!)
My idea is, if a incident occurs within like a second of previous it shouldn't
count, except for restarting the clock.
Make incidents truly count the number of 'incidents' and not every single
touch between cars.
(yet to be named slower drivers league)