>I may have been hasty with 'improved'.
>Now that you mention it, that would explain why in the new tracks,
>I can only hold a 5 second lead, while on the old tracks I can get about 45 second lead in 4 laps.
>I have noticed the blocking thing, but they also will bump me into a spin too (like the cops do).
>Have you noticed the Chev Cup tougher than elsewhere? I just can't get a line on these guys.
The other annoying thing is that the AI cars don't obey even the
hopelessly simplified physics model that you have to (see the digital
sports page review for a good explanation of this flaw).
Yeah, the whole driving model is full of "canned" effects like that.
Collisions are another one, not even remotely realistic (again, done
to make the game more difficult for you to compensate for the poor
AI/driving skill of computer opponents).
It's not unlike the extensive cheating methods used to make NHL 99
difficult. I'm sure there's a plaque above every EA Sports cubicle:
"If you can't win honestly, CHEAT!"
This attitude continues to limit the quality and replayability of
almost every EA Sports game (FIFA being the one exeception to the
rule). Cheating-tricks like these should be absolutely forbidden to
AI/computer opponent programmers, ESPECIALLY in sports games.
Joe McGinn
Staff Writer for the Sports *** Network