: > : I have been racing for about a month in NASCAR and when at Talladega, I get
: > : nailed exceeding 55 in pit row. I got black flagged twice last night and I
: > : know for sure I didn't speed after my pit so it must have been before. I
: > : start braking and drop below 55 a little before my stall. I am sick of being
: > : black flagged.
: >
: > Depending on how much detail you have, you should be able to see an
: > orange "ball" on a post in the infield. According to the manual, this
: > ball contains a NASCAR official. If you slow to 55 or less before you go
: > past it, you should be okay. Good luck.
: Andy if you don't have that much detail on then how do you find out where
: it begins and ends?
: Mike
I believe it's where the pit wall begins and ends... could be wrong.
That's the pit wall separating the pits from the track.
Do some experiments and see where you have to slow down...
Approach the pits with autobraking on... Your speed should be around
60mph and no more. As soon as your speed slows down, see where you are
and determine where the speed limit begins and ends.
Don't approach the pits at 190 mph with autobraking on and expect not to
get a penalty... it takes time to slow down...
Ujjal Bansel