Bought a Logitech Wingman Extreme Digital 3d joystick.
It's smoooooth. Would like to get some pedals to go with it,
so I did some experimenting. Logitech phone call -
they say the USB stick will work with any analog pedals
but not digital (CH pedals are analog or digital?)
Hmm. Wondering if the setup will work, I installed the
stick in my USB port, then installed my Interact
FX Racing Wheel in the soundcard 15-pin port.
Checked under "settings/controls/game controllers"
and they were both there. Was not allowed to click
on Rudder/Pedals in the Logitech software. Didn't
mess with the rudder/pedals under Windows.
Started Nascar3. Calibrated stick as joystick 1,
racing wheel as joystick 2. Set up steering
on stick, accel on racing wheel (using mini-wheel
as this was an experiment), and brakes on racing
wheel trigger. That's right, dual axis. Went into
game - success!!! Could steer with stick, and
accel and brake at same time with FX racing wheel.
So I'm pretty confident I could buy a cheap wheel/pedals
(tossing the wheel in the attic due to no room),
or even some CH pedals, and plug them into my
soundcard (SB Live) game port, and be in business.
(With a cheap set of pedals I understand I might
have to plug in an old joystick to the pedals so they
show up. Also I gotta make sure the pedals allow dual axis,
otherwise I might as well use the joystick for everything.)
1. Do you think I would have success with USB pedals,
that is, a joystick in both USB ports? Then I could
put the racing wheel in the soundcard port for the
following reason:
2. Dirt Track Racing only allows one joystick input.
But my 5-year old son really loves the game, and also
the FX racing wheel which fits great in his hands,
unlike the oversized Logitech joystick, plus he
can't reach the pedals unless we put them on a milk crate.
Is it possible to write a script/BAT file which
switches around which joystick is in which Windows ID?
Say I have USB Logitech in USB 1 and ID 1, USB pedals
in USB 2 and ID 2, and FX racing wheel in soundcard,
ID 3. Can I write a file which will swap my racing wheel
into ID 1 then fire up DTR, so we can play DTR with
the racing wheel. Then when firing up Nascar 3, put
the Logitech back in ID 1, so play Nascar 3 with stick/pedals.
3. Side question: which takes precedence, the Logitech
deadzone/sensitivity adjustments, or CTFJ?
I have also heard CH has a piece of hardware which
allows you to plug the pedals plus your joystick into
a standard PC port. This way you don't have to plug them
both into your soundcard port.
Doug Appleyard
"Bound to cover just a little more ground"
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Before you buy.