> >Err...I'm gonna wait for AMA Superbike from motorsims.com before getting any so
> >called 'motorcycle sim'. I'm betting AMA will be a much better sim.
> Based on what grounds?
> In any case, i'm sure i'd prefer one based on the Superbike WC, not some
> pissant little national series ;)
> Z.
Maybe it's a little national series, but doesn't mean the level of
competition is lesser. Also, I like the fact that AMA racing is a game
build ground up to support internet play. Can't wait to race against 31
other guys. From what I heard, SBK multiplayer options and connection
are not the best around, though I have not tried the game myself yet.
But, I think you can't go wrong if online play is done well. Everybody
likes to race against a fellow human. It makes winning (and bragging
about it) more worthwhile!