The information will come out first from the DTR discussions newsgroup
server that National Legends Champion - Jacob Butner has supplied..
Great Job Jacobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!
Its gonna be a surprise and its coming from Barry Clay with significant help
Rod Smelser, Pete Reston and there friends from downunder <g>. I cant tell
or it wont be a surprised, but it does eliminate totally one of the most
concerns here about DTR. The fantastic thing here about internet is that
ther are
so many great and good people that share there time and support developers
products. I can tell yo that Barry Clay has spent well over 100 hours on
project just for you. I have been so fortunate to know Barry and his great
contributions of to Sim Racing. Barry is part of that much talked about and
great racing team Black Hole Motorsports, headed by Mr. Slowass himself
Julian Data. He was a fast racer, but he dont want no part of us. hehe..
trying to gloat JD to race.. Back to the subject. Before this board lites
with accolades for Barry. Barry I just wanted to tell yo that thanks you
made a great contribution DTR and have just made a very good sim even
Don Wilshe