GPL - I Got It!

Tony Jon

GPL - I Got It!

by Tony Jon » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00


  I posted awhile back about running GPL on my system (PPRO 180 - oc/d
to 200, Diamond S220, 64Megs RAM).

  I received lots of feedback regarding whether GPL would run at an
acceptable level on my system. For the most part it wasn't too
promising. wife took pity on me today and surprised with a copy of
GPL. :) I installed it, installed the patch and fired it up in
training mode and was able to get 30-36fps with all the graphics
options set at the default, out of the box for settings for Rendition
cards. I was pleasantly surprised! :) It seems that I had an older
version of the demo that didn't run well at all under Win98, which
explained my dismal results with the demo. I ran a "test" race with 5
opponents and the frame rate was around 25-28fps at the start of the
race, but quickly picked back up to around the 36 mark as I fell back
into last place. :)

  Anyway, enough rambling. Just wanted to share my e***ment with you
guys. Now I see what I've been missing all this time. Hope my wife
remembers that it was she who handed me this copy of GPL. ;)

Thanks for reading.


Ken McDanie

GPL - I Got It!

by Ken McDanie » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

Congrats! Now the fun begins.... Here is a fun place to visit:
Jan Verschuere

GPL - I Got It!

by Jan Verschuere » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

I hope to god you have that moment on videotape!! ;-)


Tim Vanhe

GPL - I Got It!

by Tim Vanhe » Mon, 29 May 2000 04:00:00

I wonder how long your wife will support your new ***ion. :-p
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