colin mcrae cheats


colin mcrae cheats

by glen » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Does anyone have a way to unlock all cars and all tracks on colin mcrae rally?

I just reinstalled the game and I don't feel like going through all the work
just so I can drive sweden.  I paid full price for the game and I'd like be
able to actually play it!!

I hate this "not available" shit when I've already paid for the damned game.

All I can find are playstation cheats.


Johan Foedere

colin mcrae cheats

by Johan Foedere » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Try this:

Actions taken to find this:
1) Go to
2) type Colin McRae Rally Cheats PC
3) click, click, click

// Johan

> Does anyone have a way to unlock all cars and all tracks on colin mcrae rally?

> I just reinstalled the game and I don't feel like going through all the work
> just so I can drive sweden.  I paid full price for the game and I'd like be
> able to actually play it!!

> I hate this "not available" shit when I've already paid for the damned game.

> All I can find are playstation cheats.

> glen

Ken Ston

colin mcrae cheats

by Ken Ston » Fri, 03 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>Does anyone have a way to unlock all cars and all tracks on colin mcrae rally?

>I just reinstalled the game and I don't feel like going through all the work
>just so I can drive sweden.  I paid full price for the game and I'd like be
>able to actually play it!!

>I hate this "not available" shit when I've already paid for the damned game.

>All I can find are playstation cheats.

I've always felt this way too. I like games which allow you to jump
straight into the action, like with GPL. Forget earning 'points' or
money, as in SCGT and CMR!

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colin mcrae cheats

by pjgt.. » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Loads of CMR cheats on my website.....


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