I hope this question hasn't already been answered so many times that it
upsets some people here!
Is it possible for one to use the GPED and other third-party utilities
with the CD-ROM version of World Circuit? If so, how? If there is a FAQ
with this sort of info, please point.
Thank you,
I've got the CD-ROM Version, too. And I had to install the game on the HD
to use the editors, mainly because GPED will modify a file that the
CD-ROM Installation will not install on the HD.
The old HD Install program should be on the CD so there's no problem from
this site.
GeekCode v2.1: GM d H s:->s g+(?) p?(1) au- a20 w(++) v(+) C+(++) UA+>++ US
D(-) B? e+(*) u+ h! f(+) r- n+ y? Fnord.
-- Gizmo
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You can install the files of the CD-Rom on your harddisk. There
is even a special install utility for this on the CD-ROM. (At
least it was on my version which is the Power Plus budget
version). Otherwise try installing it on you harddisk by copy
I hope this answers your question.