>>2-6 with a good connection.
>>David G Fisher
> Good, meaning cable modem? I want to try that one of these days...
> Eldred
I hope you have better luck than I, Eldred. I have joined several
races, only to be shown a message whenever I venture out onto the track
-- "You have been removed from this game"
The same event happens even when I've been chatting with the race host
after joining, so I know it is not a case of the host kicking me off
because I lack credentials, ratings, or am not in his small circle of
friends. I have yet to turn a wheel against another human, online.
I have tried hosting myself, but the combination of my router, my
firewall, or more odd-ball stuff with either Relay or EA's multiplayer
mode seems to prevent anyone from joining me.
Lest anyone think I am a bit of a hopeless case, I have been running
GPL races, both as a host and joining races, for over a year. If I had
a fraction of the troubles that Relay/F1 2001 has given me in
GPL/WinVROC, I'd probably have given up and gone back to playing Flight
The few people who appear in Relay chat seem evenly divided between as
ignorant as I, or helpful but not knowledgeable. Too bad. A potentially
interesting game damned by an impossible multiplayer mode. That's my
verdict until somewho helpful _with_ knowledge can explain why the damn
thing just won't work for me.
Do let me know if you get it working, Eldred. Maybe I'll try it again
if I know someone who can get online with it....