> You will see the same thing in the corners at Martinsville..
> Cowen
> > Has anyone else noticed what appear to be 'texture seams' at Dover?
> > It shows up as a flickering white line, across the track, about 4 car
> > lenghts ahead of your car.
> > -Larry
> > Oh, one other thing. Online racing at WON sucks. At least pickup races.
> > Hosts crashing their cars, and then logging off and killing the race for
> > everyone. Joining races, only to find that the host has decided to paint
> > the house or something, and you never get out of practice. Ever.
> > I won't even get into the boneheads.
> > For all it's fault, TEN/NROS was, well, civil compared to this horseshit.
> > -Larry
I saw them at Talladega. To me, it makes the track look as though
it has the weathered cracks. That was my impression. I looked at it as
a plus.
When I die, I hope they bury me at Wal-Mart so my wife will visit me