Ken Clarke (2), April 1997
Certainty level: 30%
The second of two video segments from the same programme, this shows
Ken Clarke during the election campaign. He makes the following statement;
"we have a party, and we have a Cabinet which has produced a manifesto
consistent with our policy of the last five years;
people are challenging us on the basis there's been some monstrous
*** between all the politicians to guide us we know not where,
we know where we're going, we wish to be a leading influence in the European Union"
It should be fairly obvious what I read into in the above sentences.
The "monstrous *** between all the politicians" could of course
apply to the public perception of closer European integration, but
I took it as referring to the *** of politicians and
media people against me. Again, *** expression comes into it; as Clarke
speaks of the "monstrous ***" his eyebrows twitch and it is clear
that something or somebody is being made fun of.
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