I guess it is too late for and Nascar 2 wish list now so I write a hope in stead.
In Nascar 1 what seems to be a built in traction control is annoying to say the least.
I hope that in Nascar 2 we will be able to disable it for two reasons
I,m a gear head and I want to burn *** when I jam down the gas pedal.
At the moment if you give the engine the gas you hear the tires squeal (sort of) then the car begins to move and than a second or=
so later the engine begins to rev.What the hell is making the tires spin if the engine ain't reving? The engine should burst into a=
roar at 3000 to 5000 RPM and tear the car away from a stand still. Reverse gear should be done through the gear switch lever/button=
s. Keep down shifting through neutral into reverse and then use the throttle to rev the engine and back up.
It is damn annoying when you spin out without the frustration of having to do a three or four point turn to face the right way again=
We should be able to turn the steering to the full lock and hit the throttle and throw the rear end around. "A Need For Speed" doe=
s it beautifully.
Sure more steering lock would help to make a turn but I find that the least the amount of steering lock the better for handling. I o=
nly set it a little tighter than
the tightest turn of the track.