We do have a treat for you. Now you have another
great racing alternative available for you. We
have a new product available. Its not a game
or a Fantasy Arcade deal, buts the real thing.
Its the First Professional Racing Simulator that
will be available in 1998. We are in the process
of selecting the best beta testors and co-devlopers
and we are starting on the various variants that
we can adopt the product for. This product is
over 10 years old and has already been very
successfully used for LATE MODEL, FORMULA 1,
and INDYCAR simulations. Now you will be able
to work with us on the development of this
product for ANY RACING VARIANT!!!!!!!!
If you are interested, you can visit the
SCREENSHOTS at the IVGA and sign-up to
be a co-developer or beta tester. The IVGA
has already chosen our track developer for over
100 racing tracks around the world..
Just follow the signs to the PRS 98
Don Wilshe, IVGA