TW->>Someone has told me that there is a palate someone has developed that
->>matches NASCAR's colors, but I haven't been able to locate it.
TW->>So I guess I'm asking the same questions you are.
TW->I don't think the palette is your problem Alan. You must be sure the
->video mode is correct when you save the finished product. Saving under
->another resolution will certainly cause problems.
I just made 3 cars using Paint Shop Pro v3.11. The first two (id Software
sponsered cars, 1 with Indians logos!!) came out fine. The third I used
Papyrus as the sponser. I captured several screens from NASCAR, loaded them
into PSP, cut and pasted, and then saved. But for some reason, a few colors
came out wrong. I DO think my problem was the palette on that car. And
is worth looking into further on your part. You might want to export the
car you made and load it into another paint program to see how it looks.
... For a bug-free environment do NOT run this program.
(Sorry, TW, Robert didn't include enough to identify you.)
I don't understand TW's advice. Are you perchance referring to image size
and colour depth? (320x200x256 for cars.) Resolution is a function of
viewing and printing, not storage.
No matter what paint program or graphics viewer I use, the cars I paint
look fine. It is only when loaded into Paintkit that the colours shift.
I used Corel PhotoPaint 5. When I suspected that the palette might be the
problem, I repainted the car using the palette from the image itself. Since
the full palette seems to be included as a strip in the upper left of the
image, I thought this should work. It doesn't.
\_ / /// / /// / // / / Peter Bennett, Mississauga, Ontario