F12000 password


F12000 password

by T.Galvi » Fri, 07 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I know this is wrong so leave me alone
Could someone send me the password for disk 15 of the myth release

Thank you


F12000 password

by BriGu » Fri, 07 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Myth files - in and of themselves - are not password protected.  You'll
have to remember where you got that particular file, because the owner of
that web site put his own unique password on the file.  Sucks to be you,
doesn't it?


Robert Jorda

F12000 password

by Robert Jorda » Fri, 07 Apr 2000 04:00:00

try this pwd: visit
exactly as typed

> > I know this is wrong so leave me alone
> > Could someone send me the password for disk 15 of the myth release
> >

> Myth files - in and of themselves - are not password protected.  You'll
> have to remember where you got that particular file, because the owner of
> that web site put his own unique password on the file.  Sucks to be you,
> doesn't it?

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