of screaming out the window. Here's a copy of the e-mail I just sent to
the White House:
Are you out of your mind?
By awarding the Medal of Freedom to George Tenant, you've not only given
the nation's highest honor to a mediocre bureaucrat who failed
miserably, but you've also taken it away from many fine people who truly
earned it in the past.
George Tenant should have been fired after the bombing of the Chinese
embassy in Belgrade in 1999. Since then, he has been in charge of an
incredible succession of monumental errors which have cost thousands of
lives, foreign and domestic.
This is a perfect example of what's wrong with my government, no one is
held responsible for their incompetence. They are instead rewarded. If
I make a mistake in my job it hurts my customer, my company, and myself
quite possibly costing me my job and hurting my chances for finding
another. If someone in government makes a mistake, it's just brushed
under the rug, and the thousands of dead taxpayers are used as an excuse
to create new bureaucracies and increase the size and power of
government which then continues to perform poorly.
The only people who lost their jobs over 9/11 were the pilots of the
planes. You go on glad-handing the losers who allowed it to happen.
Don McCorkle
College Park, MD