Man, went looking for N4 in the town I am laid up in for my job last
night, no go. But score System Shock 2 for nine bucks, yeah.
Get home today, head off to the mall (aaarrrrrgh, hate the mall, no
parking, too many people dawdling around, arrrrrrgh) to the only EB in
town. Scan the shelves for N4, nothing. Wander over to the counter and
see a carton of new arrivals EB dude is putting out. Wooohooo! 1nsane!
Grab it, then ask about N4. "Are you on the 'list'?" "Um, no... errr I
mean yup. Wait, nah, I cannot lie, no" "Oh, well there is one left in the
box that is not spoken for. This stuff just showed up half an hour ago."
Anyways, I feel like a pirate hauling all this fine booty home today. :)
Dis is going to be one busy weekend! SS2, 1nsane, and N4. Sigh. Can a man
handle this much *** goodness at once????
LOAD "GPL",8,1