Absolutely, happens all the time to me. One day, or even one hour, I can be on
fire and the next I can't complete one lap ... sometimes I'm on fire then too,
but with real flames. Oddly enough, some of my best races have come after
qualifying attempts that were pathetic and barely made it onto the grid. I
suspect that the real hotshots are a lot more consistent, but I'm a firm believer
in the zone, at least with GPL. Have you tried sacrificing a chicken? Messes up
the keyboard but it might help :-)
> I find that getting into a "zone" as its called is the key to success in GPL.
> Yesterday i shattered my personal best at Monza with the BRM, Eagle and
> Honda!!!!! Today i cant get below a 1:35 with any of em. Its not my
> controller, its the fatc that im not able to find my zone. I have no rythem
> and i miss my braking points. I was just wondering if anyone else has
> experienced the same thing?
> Chris