Well one thing to keep in mind is theres always been a Papy version of Daytona.
Its just nobody could get it cause it was ONLY at the Daytona USA display in
the top qualifier game thingy at the speedway. Or at least this is what im led
to believe by buddys of mine who have been there. Never saw it personally
(cept on TV once and it looked kinda like it). If it was just a publicity
stunt then I think they made a bit of a mistake. To not include everyone else
who bought the N3 and NL titles in the distribution of this would be a total
oversight IMO. They should just release the track to everyone either free or
in the upcoming Craftsman Truck patch.
Heres why...I hate to say it...but I have a feeling just about everyone is
gonna end up with a copy of this track. Be it legally or illegally, and though
im reluctant to say it, it will happen. Its been happening for years by people
illegally posting tracks to a website for download. Yes its piracy, no I dont
think it should happen, but it will. I know I might cause one hell of an
uproar but I had to say something and this is it. I'm sure everyones thought
of that before and I just happend to be the one who finally said it.
Well...debate it at your will.
"Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold
that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass."--Mark Twain