watch it too if you like:-) I've composed a replay of all the "highlights"
from our race at Dover... using the serevers replay as base... (all cars
visible etc.)
Have a look at it and see / *learn* / think /comment etc etc.
Also Feedback on this "project" would be apreichiated as this is the first
time I make one of these things... If you guys like this - I might be
tricked into making one from each or our future races.
The edited replay itself is 10+ minutes long... "packed with action"! :-)
The replay is packed with WinAce 'because that provided the smallest
Unpack into replay directory. (goto if you need that program
to unpack it.)
I would have made it self extracting but I couldnt figure out how...
Lastly, the replay:
(8,1 mb)